Destiny 2: How to mute Fireteam or turn off game chat/voice chat?

Destiny 2 is a multiplayer FPS game that was released back in 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/Series X/Series S, and Google Stadia platforms.

Destiny 2 players

Action shooter with RPG features, Destiny 2 is available online for multiplayer (or solo) play. You take on the role of a guardian with superpowers from one of three classes, and you engage in a variety of tasks to level up and improve your equipment. The Destiny series is so long that as a beginner or a new player, you’ll have a lot to catch up in the story aspect. You’ll find several unique weapons in the game that you may not find in any other game of the same category.

Destiny 2 surely knows how to keep a gamer grinding and addicted. You might start as a free player, but like many, you also might end up paying for the amazing extra content. The main purpose of this article is to give you clarity on one of the issues that many players ask in the community i.e turning off the voice chat/muting the fireteam in Destiny 2. So let’s jump in and see how you can do that.

Destiny 2: How to mute Fireteam or turn off game chat/voice chat?

Below is the procedure that you need to follow in order to mute the fireteam:

Open up the in-game “Directory” by holding down the touchpad. Now, under “Nearby“, you’ll see the friends list in your fireteam. Select the name and click on “Mute” option mute the player. You can also mute all the members.

Below is the procedure that you need to follow in order to turn off the voice chat:

Open up the “Directory“, toggle to “Settings“, scroll down to “Social“, click on “Voice chat” and turn it “Off“.

That’s all, folks! We hope that we were able to help you turn off the voice chat as well as mute the player in the Destiny 2 game.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

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