Call of Duty (COD): Modern Warfare 2 stuck at the “checking for updates” error: How to fix it?

The release of the Modern Warfare 2 beta has been thrilling for many Call of Duty gamers, both new and experienced, but for many it has also been ruined by a variety of bugs and problems. In this article, we’ll look at one such issue and help you get rid of it.

COD MW 2 2022

The renowned Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward will soon release COD: Modern Warfare 2, the nineteenth instalment in the COD franchise. It is anticipated to be the “most advanced” Call of Duty title to date as the developers claim it to be significantly different from the other games in the series thanks to the new and sophisticated AI NPCs, movement, and combat systems, but still, it doesn’t come without a few issues. One of the most recent issues troubling the PC gamers is that when they try to log in to their game, they are trapped on the “Checking for Update” screen, which makes the game inaccessible to them. Today, we’ll tell you the solution to this problem so that you can get rid of it and get back to action. So, continue reading!

Call of Duty (COD): Modern Warfare 2 stuck at the “checking for updates” error: How to fix it?

Step 1: Launch the “Steam Client” and head over to the “Library” section.

Step 2: Under the “Games” head, right-click on “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Open Beta” and then select “Manage” to click on the “Browse local files” option.

Step 3: After accessing the game files, open the “Main” folder and DELETE the “Data0.dcache,”  “Data1.dcache,”  “Toc0.dcache,” and “Toc1.dcache” files.

That’s all, folks! This is the official fix that the developers of the game recently provided to get gamers past the “checking for updates” freezing issue. We hope that we were able to help you do the same, and we’ll be sure to update any other methods if they become available in the future to do the same.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

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