Overwatch 2: How to show FPS and latency?

Overwatch, which has now been updated into Overwatch 2, is one of the most well-known online multiplayer games by Blizzard Entertainment.

overwatch 2 gameplay

Frames Per Second, or FPS, is a key component in video games. It can enhance or ruin your overall gaming experience by impacting how fluid and responsive the game appears and feels. First-person shooter games usually require high FPS because players must react quickly to threats, and low FPS can be a significant issue in many games and easily cause dissatisfaction and failure. Players ultimately had access to Overwatch 2 on October 4, 2022, and they’re beginning to discover that some of their FPS and latency-related settings from the previous Overwatch didn’t carry over to this game. One of these options displays information in the upper-left corner of the screen that provides players with statistics on specific game elements like FPS and latency. With just a few tweaks to make the game feel a little different, Overwatch 2 allows players to display their FPS in a similar manner to Overwatch 1. We’re going to show you where the game’s FPS and latency sections are today so you can monitor them while playing.

Overwatch 2: How to show FPS and latency?

Below are the steps that you need to follow in order to be able to do the same:

Step 1: While in the game, press the “Options” or “Escape” button on your controller or keyboard to access the menu.

Step 2: Click on “Options” and navigate over to the “Video” section.

Step 3: Under the “Video” sub-head, you’ll have plenty of options that you can enable to show on your screen, ranging from “Show Frame Rate” to “Show Network Latency“. Just turn on the ones that you want to show up on your display while playing and then get back to gaming.

That’s all, folks! We hope that we were able to help you set up FPS and latency to show up on your game screen while playing.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

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