Overwatch 2: How to create a custom game to play with bots or friends?

Blizzard Entertainment released Overwatch 2, the continuation of the 2016 video game Overwatch, on October 4, 2022. The game is now available for PC, PS4/PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch users to play.

overwatch 2 characters

Overwatch 2 has generated a lot of buzz among fans of the series since its release. Even though there have been more glitches and issues after launch than Blizzard had anticipated, the game still boasts a lot of improvements. In Overwatch 2, you can create a personalised match to play with your friends or play against bots in your own lobby and according to your preferences. While the opportunity to set up a lobby for just your group can be desirable to offer oneself a little more control, the option to matchmake into Quick or Competitive Play is always available. Even while gamers adore this feature, many still find it challenging to make their own games. Today, we’ll show you how to create a custom game in Overwatch 2 because it’s a fun way to test out weaponry and hero characters, or even have a fight with your pals. So let’s look over this manual and get back to the game.

Overwatch 2: How to create a custom game to play with bots or friends?

Below are the steps that you need to follow in order to do that:

Step 1: Start the game and click on the “Play” button. Navigate over to the “Custom Games” section and click on the assigned button to “Create Custom Game” at the bottom of your screen.

Step 2: After you’ve created the lobby, you can edit the custom game’s name and change the game type. You can set it to “invite only” mode if you want only those players to join your game whom you want.

Step 3: When you’re done inviting the players, go over to the “Settings“, click on “Presets“, and set the match options according to your preferences. Also, you can head over to the “Lobby” or “Map” settings to modify the further settings for your match.

That’s all, folks! We hope that we were able to help you create a custom game in Overwatch 2.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

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